Thursday, June 14, 2012

As some of you might have written, this whole thing seems like SIDE THREE!....... It is!


Genuine musical taste, sometimes is important when one is trying to make a name for themselves. When you allow yourself  to respond to pressure,.....Just to mechanically, you'll be less inclined to experience the success that you felt so sure you'd command.
Yeah!...Seems the spirit of competition has begun to heat-up a little. We'll see which brand of CLOUD computing will endure the frenzy of freedom.

Monday, June 4, 2012

I'm wondering if anyone has had the same experiences as I have had while listening to the music from the other side of the Atlantic ocean? Being born a rural to suburban type of guy, I would have never imagined that lots of the music that has shaped our culture has made its way around EUROPE! Those of us who have "fancied" music for much our lives, are able to detect just a little bit of might we say, "relocation". Strangely detectable, in some cases barely, but there is just a bit of foreign swagger and feel. This whole music thing has been a TRIP!